среда, 16 сентября 2009 г.

8 Ways To Dress Like The Girls Of Pretty Little Liars

8 Ways To Dress Like The Girls Of Pretty Little Liars

I am kind of obsessed with Pretty Little Liars. I mean, it’s almost a little embarrassing. I say almost because, really, who can’t get addicted to that show? Murder, lies, deceit, funny one-liners and great fashion all rolled into one? Sounds perfect to me!

And yes, I really do mean great style. Part of the reason I love watching Pretty Little Liars is because I love checking out the cute, sometimes totally weird, outfits that Aria, Hanna, Spencer and Emily are wearing each week. I wouldn’t mind raiding the closets of each of these girls. They each have their own style but they always manage to wear something that stands out. Want to start dressing like the biggest liars of Rosewood High? I’ve put together a guide on how to dress like the Pretty Little Liars girls. And click on the pictures if you want more info on the clothes!

dress like Hanna Pretty Little Liars

dress like Emily Pretty Little Liars

dress like Aria Pretty Little Liars
dress like Aria Pretty Little Liars

dress like Spencer Pretty Little Liars

dress like Hanna Pretty Little Liars

dress like Emily Pretty Little Liars

dress like Aria Pretty Little Liars

dress like Spencer Pretty Little Liars

Which of these outfits is your favorite? Which character of Pretty Little Liars do you like the most? Who do you want to dress like? Tell me in the comments!

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Original article and pictures take cdn6.gurl.com site

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