среда, 11 июля 2012 г.

Cute Outfits for an Alaskan Cruise

Cute Outfits for an Alaskan Cruise

I’ve mentioned a time or two that we’re Alaska bound. Our trip will begin in Seattle, where we’re scheduled to spend a couple of nights prior to departing on our cruise aboard the Disney Wonder. We’re {almost} set for the trip. We’ve got reservations for accommodations and activities in Seattle. We’ve got a full line-up of adventurous cruise excursions booked (more on that to come). We’ve even got all of our cruise paperwork completed. What I’m struggling with is wardrobe. Here in Tucson, we’ve been at or near 100 degree temperatures for weeks now. So–as you might imagine–packing for a glacial, snow-capped mountain trip is just a teensy bit outside of my box at the time being. Not to mention the fact that we really don’t even own cold-weather gear. That said, I’ve done my research and learned that the key to packing for an Alaskan cruise is to bring layers. The weather up in that neck of the woods can be quite fickle, apparently. I’ve had difficulty in trying to find outfit suggestions that are both suitable for the weather and somewhat stylish. And so I’ve done what any good blogger would do: I turned to polyvore and built my own. In spite of the fact that we are indeed headed into summer months, I am sharing my cold-weather creations here on the off chance that you, too, are headed North for the summer.

Alaska bound
Alaska bound

I put this one together as an example of something suitable for a floatplane excursion. Or maybe a whale-watching excursion.

Alaska bound
Alaska bound

This outfit would be ideal for a day of light shopping in a quaint little port town, or maybe panning for gold and taking in the infamous lumberjack show.

Alaska bound
Alaska bound

How cute is this? We’ll be visiting a dog mushing camp during our trip and I hear it’s quite cold. An outfit like this would be perfect for the occasion.

Alaska bound
Alaska bound

And just for good measure, I thought I’d include a cute example of something to wear to dinner aboard the ship. Something like this would be great because it doesn’t leave too much skin exposed to the (often times) cool temperatures in the dining room but it’s still super cute.

So, how’d I do?

Tell me: which one most suits your style? And if you’ve ever been to Alaska, what was the one piece of clothing you found most valuable during your trip?

Original article and pictures take www.suchthespot.com site

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